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Restrict Wallet

The /Restrict wallet endpoint enables tranasction restrictions on customer's wallet. There are three restriction options:

  • POST NO DEBIT (PND) - This means a customer can not make any withdrawals or transfer from their wallet
  • POST NO CREDIT - This means a customer can not recieve any money in their wallet

Request Body


Serialize the request body, then encrypt (AES encryption) it using the provided key. The encryption requires a secret key and IV key which will be provided by the sterling team. Pass the encrypted string as the value of "Data" in the new request body.

  "DoneBy": "system"
EncryptedReq {
  "Data": "string"
curl -X POST
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
  "message": "successful",
  "response": "00",
  "data": "ACLK19296HNX1Z"

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
mobile string *required The customer's phone number
RestrictionCode string *required Restriction code for for wallet. The values are 1 = Post No Debit, 2 = Post No Credit, 3 = Both 1 and 2
DoneBy string *required Name of the person who excuted the wallet restriction