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API Overview

Sterling Wallet

The Sterling wallet is a light core banking application that allows wallet transactions from account creation, to funds transfer and statement generation. The wallet system is purely driven by SQL Stored Procedures that facilitates the funds-transfers, account creation and statement generation. APIs that expose these functionalities are currently available. The APIs allow different platforms to plug into the wallet ecosystem, meaning that different apps can integrate, create accounts and carry out transactions on the created accounts. The wallet also supports foreign currencies (Dollar, Pound and Euro).

API Headers

Our API is based on REST Principle. By default, all request to the HOST receives the v3 version of the REST API, accessed through a standard HTTPS request. The methods available for this API are the POST and GET request.


Environment Base URL Status
Production Active
NOTE: Please refer to the swagger link for updated request json, as this document might not always be up to date with the latest request samples


All API returns response data as a JSON object. View the Swagger API Model for a description of all the retrievable objects.

Response Status Codes

The following table shows the possible response status codes when making request, as defined in the RFC 2616 and RFC 6585:

200 (OK) Successful- This means that the request is successful. The result of the request can be read in the body and the headers of the response.
400 Bad Request- This means that the request could not be understood by the server, which can probably be caused by malformed syntax. The message body will contain more information.
500 (Server Error) Server Failure - You should rarely or never see this error, unless the server is down, but you can send a ping request to confirm : "GET api/ping"
NOTE: Keep in mind that One Wallet API is built with `.NET` and can be can be consumed using any programming language that can make HTTP requests.