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Inter Bank Name Enquiry

The Inter-Bank name enquiry endpoint enables verification of a bank account number and also provide's additional data from NIP.

Request Body


Serialize the request body, then encrypt (AES encryption) it using the provided key. The encryption requires a secret key and IV key which will be provided by the sterling team. Pass the encrypted string as the value of "Data" in the new request body.

"SessionId": "",
"DestinationBankCode": "",
"ChannelCode": "",
"AccountNumber": ""
EncryptedReq {
  "Data": "string"
curl -X POST
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"AccountName": "",
"BeneficiaryBankVerificationNumber": "",
"BeneficiaryKYCLevel": "",
"SessionId": "",
"ResponseCode": "",
"ResponseDescription": ""

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
SessionId string *required Session identifier
DestinationBankCode string *required Destination bank code
ChannelCode integer *required Channel code
AccountNumber string *required Account number