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Create Wallet

Create wallet endpoint uses the customer's phone number to create a wallet. Once the method is executed, a virtual account will be created, this will serve as the customer's wallet identification.

Request Body


Serialize the request body, then encrypt (AES encryption) it using the provided key. The encryption requires a secret key and IV key which will be provided by the sterling team. Pass the encrypted string as the value of "Data" in the new request body.

EncryptedReq {
  "Data": "string"
curl -X POST
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  "message": "0134743711",
  "response": "00",
  "responsedata": null,
  "data": {
    "firstname": "ade",
    "lastname": "def",
    "email": null,
    "mobile": "0134743711",
    "AcctTier": "1",
    "VIRTUALACCT": "7113938292"

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Note
firstname string *required The customer’s first name
lastname string *required The customer’s last name
mobile string *required The customer’s mobile number
DOB string *required The customer’s date of birth, using the following format Date format is YYYY/MM/DD e.g., 2021-01-26
Gender string *required The customer’s gender Use M for Male or F fo Female
CURRENCYCODE string *required The users's wallet code Use currency abbreviations like NGN for Naira, USD for Dollar
AccountTier string *required Wallet account tier, e.g Tier 1, 2 or 3
MobileNotNumban string *required The Boolean value confirms if wallet is created with mobile number and not a bank account number Set value as true if wallet is created with a mobile number and false if it's not

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message string Response message
response string Response code
firstname string The customer’s first name
lastname string The customer’s last name
mobile string The customer’s mobile number
DOB string The customer’s date of birth, using the following format YYYY/MM/DD e.g., 2021-01-26
Gender string The customer’s gender i.e., M for Male or F fo Female
CURRENCYCODE string The users's wallet code which can be in Naira, Dollar, Pound or Euro i.e, NGN, USD ...
AccountTier string Wallet account tier, e.g Tier 1, 2 or 3
VIRTUALACCT string Virtual account number